Congratulations to our SRS2020 Awardees!
Oral Presentations:
1st. Yang (Vicky) Luo
2nd. Martin Tomanik
3rd. Charles Dow
Poster winners:
1st. Jennifer Troiano
2nd. Kevin Nyhuis
3rd. Annie Beckett
Secondary School Recognition:
Yahoo (Harry) Han
Opening Remarks - 9 AM
Keynote Address - 9:15
Break - 10:00
Oral Presentations - 10:05
Yang (Vicky) Luo - Evolution of a bicyclic peptide that selectively modulates human mRNA decapping enzyme Dcp2 – 10:05
Charles Dow - Dewatering of Chlorella Through Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Formation for Algal Biofuel Production – 10:25
Martin Tomanik - Development of a convergent and enantioselective synthetic route to (–)-myrocin G – 10:45
Break/Lunch (Watch Poster Pre-Record Videos) -11:05
Poster Q&A -12:05
Travis Whitney - Fluorescence Studies of Fluorescent Calcium Receptors - 12:05
Kevin Nyhuis - Analysis of organic matter in select locations along the Quinnipiac River - 12:10
Jennifer Troiano - Diazo Coupling for Metal Oxide Surface Attachment of Dyes - 12:15
Annie Beckett - Further exploration of cyclic isoimidium salts as dienophiles in the Diels-Alder reaction - 12:20
Elizabeth Coler - Towards a global solution to energy using lignin degrading bacterial laccases - 12:25
Estelleta Hackshaw/Nicholas Pinkhover/Domenic DeLuca - Standardization of 3D Printed Microfluidic Chips with Application for Protein Biomarker Detection - 12:30
Katharine Donahue - Measuring the Polymerization Rate of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Actin – 12:35|
Break - 12:50
Oral Presentations - 12:55
Clorice Reinhardt - Simulation of the Active State of Ribonucleotide Reductase: Conformational Gymnastics Underlying Catalysis – 12:55
Yuhao Han - Improving Sunscreen Safety and Efficacy by Encapsulation in “Molecular” Cages – 1:15
Break – 1:35
Awards - 1:50
Closing Remarks - 2:05 PM
Keynote Speaker
Steven Beaupré - Assistant professor at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University
Oceanic efflux of ancient marine dissolved organic carbon in primary marine aerosol
Steven Beaupré - Assistant professor at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University
Breaking waves produce bubble plumes that burst at the sea surface, injecting primary marine aerosol (PMA) highly enriched with marine organic carbon (OC) into the atmosphere. It is widely assumed that this OC is modern, produced by present-day biological activity, even though nearly all marine OC is thousands of years old, produced by biological activity long ago. We used natural abundance radiocarbon (14C) measurements to show that 19 to 40% of the OC associated with freshly produced PMA was refractory dissolved OC (RDOC). Globally, this process removes 2 to 20 Tg of RDOC from the oceans annually, comparable to other RDOC losses. This process represents a major removal pathway for old OC from the sea, with important implications for oceanic and atmospheric biogeochemistry, the global carbon cycle, and climate.
Oral Presentations
• Yang (Vicky) Luo - Evolution of a bicyclic peptide that selectively modulates human mRNA decapping enzyme Dcp2 – 10:05
• Charles Dow - Dewatering of Chlorella Through Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Formation for Algal Biofuel Production – 10:25
• Martin Tomanik - Development of a convergent and enantioselective synthetic route to (–)-myrocin G – 10:45
• Clorice Reinhardt - Simulation of the Active State of Ribonucleotide Reductase: Conformational Gymnastics Underlying Catalysis – 12:55
• Yuhao Han - Improving Sunscreen Safety and Efficacy by Encapsulation in “Molecular” Cages – 1:15
Yang (Vicky) Luo Charles Dow Matthew Tomanik Clorice Reinhardt Yuhao Han
Poster Presentations - Click Here to View
• Travis Whitney - Fluorescence Studies of Fluorescent Calcium Receptors - 12:05
• Kevin Nyhuis - Analysis of organic matter in select locations along the Quinnipiac River - 12:10
• Jennifer Troiano - Diazo Coupling for Metal Oxide Surface Attachment of Dyes - 12:15
• Katharine Donahue - Measuring the Polymerization Rate of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Actin – 12:35
Travis Whitney Kevin Nyhuis Jennifer Troiano Annie Beckett Elizabeth Coler
Estelleta Hackshaw Nicholas Pinkhover Katharine Donahue