Volunteer Opportunities!
NOBCChE 2021 Virtual Conference Science Bowl September 18th
NOBCChE (the National Organization for the Professional Development of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers) is hosting their 2021 Virtual Conference, September 16-18. ACS is a sponsor of the STEM Week Science Bowl on September 18 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern. The ACS Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Respect (DEIR) is seeking volunteers to assist in the positions listed below. Please note training sessions will be made available prior to the start of the conference to familiarize all volunteers with their roles and the controls of Zoom.
Science Bowl Roles (Sept. 18, 1 pm – 3 pm):
Science Bowl Judges – These volunteers are responsible for keeping track of correct and incorrect answers for their assigned teams.
Science Bowl Room Moderators and Readers - These volunteers will moderate the session, read any instructions or housekeeping notes, read the questions out to the teams, and manage the breakout rooms.
Science Bowl Timekeepers and Answer Secretaries - These volunteers are responsible for monitoring the time for each round, tracking their assigned teams' responses to the questions within the time limit, and supporting the judges as needed.
To sign up, please visit https://form.jotform.com/211686033673053.
If you have any questions or want to let our colleagues in the ACS Office of DEIR know that you signed up, please email diversity@acs.org.